"What the dickens is this?" cried one of the two-legged tall walkers to the others, pointing to a whisper of grey fluff floating on the floor. "It surely is a lovely gift bestowed upon us by some unseen something. Let's get it and put it into a safe place, a treasure chest!"
"Yes!" cried the others. "Into a treasure chest this fluff stuff goes!"
"But what shall we call it?"
"Let's call this grey fluff stuff fuuuuurbies." suggested one two-legged tall walker, and they all agreed. Fuuuuurbies it became.
They soon set about searching about for more of the grey fluff stuff fuuuurbies, because it was just as light as air and could float. And SOFT! But they still didn't know where the fuuuuubies came from. They looked high and low for the fuuuuurby bearer, but were clueless as to where this bearer of wonderful gifts was.
Soon their treasure chest of fuuuuurbies was beginning to fill up and the two-legged tall walkers discovered these furrrrbies seemed to multiply rather quickly and were rather difficult to capture. And they still couldn't seem to find the culpret, errr... the gift bearer anywhere, although they looked high and low. And their treasure chest grew fuller and fuller of the furrrbies and they furrrrrbies were beginning to be an agravation rather than a treasured gift.
"These two-legged tall walkers were silly," thought the furrrrrby bearer. "They go about doing this and that and try to capture the furrrrrbies and they will never be able to capture it all," he laughed.
About this time the really tall two-legged tall walker looked over at the four-legged short walker and thought... "that four-legged short walker is dressed in stuff that is similar in looks to the fluff stuff furrrrrbies. I must go check this out further." And over to the four-legged short walker he went. Low and behold, that four-legged short walker was just COVERED with the fluff stuff furrrrrrbies! As the two-legged tall walker ran his hand over the four-legged short walker some of the furrrrrbies floated from the four-legged short walker and soared through the air and lazily came down into a spot of sunshine on the floor.
"Ooooohhh.. how about that," said the tall two-legged tall walker. "Our fuuuuurby bearer was here and we didn't know it. Not that he was here all that long, just long enough to give us a treasure chest full of fuuuuurbies. Now... what to do with them all!"
After the tall two-legged tall walker let everyone know who, or what, was giving them all the fuuuurbies, they tried to figure out what to do. Finally they decided. They stuffed the fuuuuurbies in small bags, washed it in the washing machine in hot water and dried it in the dryer in the hotest setting and then dumped it all onto a table and felted the furrrrrbies and made hats out of them and sold them on eBay.
Moral of the story? If you want to make millions of dollars on eBay, get yourself a cat and make hats from the fur!
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