Monday, October 25, 2010

Ohhhhhhhh... I got a brand new pair of roller skates, you got a brand new key....

Yeah... happy singing!  :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cream Rinse

I was just washing and setting Mom's hair and was thinking back...

Do you remember when cream rinse first came out? I think it was late fifties or early sixties?  At least that's when our family started using it. Before then it was just get the tangles out of wet hair the best you could. OUCH!

Now... do you remember the instructions on the back of the bottle for how to use it? uh huh... Mix x amount of cream rinse (was it 2 TBS or something?) into a cup of water, pour over your hair while catching it in a bowl as it runs off your head. Repeat several times.

I remember asking Mom, "Why don't we just put the stuff on our hair, rub it in, and then rinse it off?" Her words of wisdom on that..."That isn't what the instructions say to do."

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ahhh... one of the necessities

ahhh booogers... Kimberly Clark has gone to the dark side along with all the other toilet paper companies. I don't know if they held out on doing so or they had such a surplus of products that it just now showed up, their crossing over.

What the heck am I talking about?!?!  Glad you asked!!

The cardboard tube that holds the tissue. Shortened by 1/2 an inch. I have a toilet paper holder that is geared for the NORMAL size tube. It doesn't have a tube or rod to hold the roll of tissue like most. There is a knob on the inside of the two arms that stick out from the wall. One is stationary and the other you push inward to get the roll of toilet paper onto the one knob, then upon releasing the sproingy knob it juts back out and into the hollow tube of the tissue, holding it in place. Not now. The tubes are now short by 1/2 an inch, just like the other brands.

ooohhh... Kimberly Clark... why did you cross over to the dark side like that?   :(

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Uniform Code of Men of the Universe

I’m wondering if it’s a rule or something in the unwritten Uniform Code of Men of the Universe (UCMU) that if a man goes to bed before his wife or significant other, they must sleep on her side.

Rule #78357354. When going to bed before other half, sleep on other half’s side, thus making other half work at getting into bed by pushing, shoving you over to the COLD side of the bed. The other side being cold makes the other half work harder because who wants to move to the COLD side, so of course you balk, but do eventually make one of the supreme sacrifices of your life by moving.

Ok. So now he’s made one of the supreme sacrifices of his life by scooting over to the cold side, which by the way, he wouldn’t have had to do had he been on the correct side to begin with. Now it’s our turn to jump into bed only to find it hot and damp because the man of the establishment has been sweating and our side of the bed needs the air conditioner turned onto it for about 15 minutes before it’s tolerable to sleep in.

It’s a guy thing, right fellas?

And you KNOW why I thought of all this and wrote it down don’t you? Yep, I, being tired and of sound mind, tried to go to bed, on my side of course. Having finally gotten him to his cold side of the bed, I am lying here on the hot sweaty side waiting for the air conditioner to miraculously turn on and cool it off in the dead of winter because I don’t sleep well when it’s hot. And of course, the writing part hits and I have to write it down. If I don’t do it now, in the middle of the night when I’m tired and sleepy and try to in the morning when I’m awake and refreshed, I won’t remember it. That seems to be listed in another Uniform Code book of rules, the Uniform Code of Murphy’s Law (UCML).

Copyright Dec 30, 1998
Cindy Piper

You know it's been hot out when.... go outside in the early evening and sigh a breath of relief that it's so cool and feels wonderful. Then when you go in you see the temperature is 98 degrees.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Flower Beds!

This is a shot of the flowers in front of our front not-quite-a-porch. LOL The first rose bush is just about to bloom it's first blooming of the summer, you can see the buds on it.

The Azalea bush has bloomed already and I'm sure it will bloom again before summer is done. I should cut it back a bit, maybe. Will have to look it up and make sure.

The tall, skinny stick with leaves is another rose bush >?<. Don't know if it is going to do anything this year or not, time will tell. The last rose bush has bloomed profusely and those are the left overs for now. I clipped the undone blooms back so we'll have more roses soon. This year, after the first frost, I want to collect the rose hips. I collected them too soon last year, I discovered. Ah well. But the petals and leaves do make a good cup of tea, also. :) We got the house all stained last year and painted the shutters, then I stenciled them a couple of months ago. It really made a nice difference in the looks of the house and the wood got a very nice drink of stain. Should do it one more time this year, too, then it can go for another 3 to 5 years before we need to do it again. The wood was REAL thirsty and soaked it all up rather quickly.

The shot below is the new flower bed I planted this spring. It isn't growing a whole lot yet. On the other side of the fence, bordered by the scalloped brick, is a blackberry bush that Angie and Brian bought and planted for me.

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My brother and my sister-in-law stopped in for a few days. YAYAYAAYAYAYA Love having them visit! We don't get to do that often enough. We took them up to Heber Springs to show them the sites of the park. We love it and I think they liked it, too.

On the right is my brother Dick, Pat, his wife, Esther, my mom, and Denny, my hubby. I got my picture taken in the group, too, but it's in Dick and Pat's camera. LOL Gonna have to have her send it to me!

We all had a great time while they were here. Angie and Brian were up from Texas when Dick and Pat got here so we all got to spend at least ONE day together. That was cool.
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Priceless Commercial

Ibuprofen - $12, X-ray - $90, Chiropractor - $200, Everything else - Priceless.

They sure don't buy their Ibuprofen at Wal-Mart!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Lost" figured out...

I did it. I figured out the television series Lost. I didn't get into it the first year. That summer I watched all the reruns of the first season and thought it was a strange show. I started watching the second season and it just kept getting stranger. I couldn't keep up with who was who and where the heck they went and what happened to this person and who the heck are THEY and where did they come from goings on. I didn't keep up with it.

Now... the last episodes are airing and it is winding down. I haven't watched them, either. Mom Got caught up on it, sort of, with the episode before the first of this last season and found herself lost in Lost and couldn't get caught up after all.

But... I figured it out. All the people on, unknowingly, were on a Reality TV Show gone bad.

That's it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Snow Snow

The average temperature in Arkansas for this time of year, February, is 35 degrees for a low and 55 degrees for high. Forties in January, 50s in December. Somebody has forgotten to remind Mother Nature of that fact this year. LOL And my mother is up here from Florida this year and it has been COLD! Been reminding me of Illinois weather quite often this year.

Yesterday we woke up to four inches of snow on the ground. It kept beautifying the area ALL DAY. It was snowman making snow, wet, heavy. The limbs on the pine trees and the cedar trees were just loaded and so heavy some were dragging the ground. Denny knocked some of the snow off branches but last night more fell off those after it turned colder and the branches have popped back up nicely. We did lose some branches from the big pine over by the red shed to the heavy snow, though. When I looked out the bedroom window, after opening my eyes from sleep, bare tree limbs were glistening in the sunlight with ice. Gorgeous!

I think glistening snow and ice are just beautiful. I don't particularly like the cold needed to have them nor the dangers they can present, NOR the slush, mud, and dirty snow that follows. Ah well... it's coming soon. LOL