Monday, May 24, 2010

Flower Beds!

This is a shot of the flowers in front of our front not-quite-a-porch. LOL The first rose bush is just about to bloom it's first blooming of the summer, you can see the buds on it.

The Azalea bush has bloomed already and I'm sure it will bloom again before summer is done. I should cut it back a bit, maybe. Will have to look it up and make sure.

The tall, skinny stick with leaves is another rose bush >?<. Don't know if it is going to do anything this year or not, time will tell. The last rose bush has bloomed profusely and those are the left overs for now. I clipped the undone blooms back so we'll have more roses soon. This year, after the first frost, I want to collect the rose hips. I collected them too soon last year, I discovered. Ah well. But the petals and leaves do make a good cup of tea, also. :) We got the house all stained last year and painted the shutters, then I stenciled them a couple of months ago. It really made a nice difference in the looks of the house and the wood got a very nice drink of stain. Should do it one more time this year, too, then it can go for another 3 to 5 years before we need to do it again. The wood was REAL thirsty and soaked it all up rather quickly.

The shot below is the new flower bed I planted this spring. It isn't growing a whole lot yet. On the other side of the fence, bordered by the scalloped brick, is a blackberry bush that Angie and Brian bought and planted for me.

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My brother and my sister-in-law stopped in for a few days. YAYAYAAYAYAYA Love having them visit! We don't get to do that often enough. We took them up to Heber Springs to show them the sites of the park. We love it and I think they liked it, too.

On the right is my brother Dick, Pat, his wife, Esther, my mom, and Denny, my hubby. I got my picture taken in the group, too, but it's in Dick and Pat's camera. LOL Gonna have to have her send it to me!

We all had a great time while they were here. Angie and Brian were up from Texas when Dick and Pat got here so we all got to spend at least ONE day together. That was cool.
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Priceless Commercial

Ibuprofen - $12, X-ray - $90, Chiropractor - $200, Everything else - Priceless.

They sure don't buy their Ibuprofen at Wal-Mart!!